October is Distracted Driving Awareness Month in MassachusettsOctober has been designated as Distracted Driving Awareness Month in Massachusetts by the Department of Transportation (MassDOT). The aim of this campaign is to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving and to encourage safer driving habits. This is a critical time for both drivers and authorities to focus on reducing accidents and fatalities caused by distracted driving. Even when life gets busy, safe driving should be the most important responsibility for all of us when we get behind the wheel.

Distractions behind the wheel continue to be a major issue on our roads and highways and are among the top causes of car crashes. As car accident attorneys in Massachusetts, we see firsthand the devastating effects of car crashes on accident victims and their families. Help us promote the risks and dangers of distracted driving to make our Massachusetts roads and highways safer for all.

Research and Statistics Prove Distracted Driving is a Major Cause of Crashes

Distracted driving remains a significant safety concern in Massachusetts and nationwide. Across the United States, including Massachusetts, distracted driving contributes to thousands of fatal car accidents every year. Research has established that using a cellphone while driving increases crash risk by two to six times. Even when traffic volumes were reduced during the pandemic, car crash fatalities increased. This is a very concerning trend. For example, based on the data from MassDOT’s IMPACT Dashboard, there was a total of 207 fatalities in 2020 from March to September compared to 202 fatalities from the same time frame in 2019.

Motor vehicle accidents are well known to cause traumatic injuries that can have significant physical and financial effects on accident victims and their families. This is why we all need to recognize the dangers of distracted driving to help keep everyone safe on our roads and highways.

Traffic safety experts believe driver inattention is a huge contributing factor in the increase of crashes. For example, we were recently hired by an individual who was riding his bicycle in Framingham, Massachusetts. He was driving past a local pharmacy when he was struck by a woman who was pulling out of the parking lot. She admitted to the responding police officers that she was reaching for her cell phone when she hit our client. This is a prime example of how cell phones are amongst the top distractions behind the wheel.

Also, research shows how younger drivers are particularly vulnerable when using smart phones behind the wheel, with texting being especially dangerous. This is because it affects visual, manual, and cognitive abilities simultaneously, which are crucial to safe driving.

What is Massachusetts Doing about Distracted Driving?

During this month, Massachusetts promotes various campaigns, public service announcements, and law enforcement initiatives to help raise awareness of the dangers of distracted driving and reduce the hazards associated with distracted driving.

In October, local and state police enforce the laws against distracted driving. In Massachusetts, there are specific laws that prohibit the use of handheld devices (i.e., cell/smart phones) while driving. During the distracted driving awareness months, police will typically increase efforts to enforce these laws, issuing tickets and penalties to drivers who violate the rules.

For example, a few years ago, Massachusetts passed the “hands-free” law. This law essentially makes distracted driving illegal. This law provides that operators of motor vehicles cannot use an electronic device unless the device is being used in hands-free mode. Drivers cannot read, send, or view texts, social media content, or videos unless what is being viewed helps with navigation, and the device is mounted in an appropriate location. Operators also cannot make phone calls unless they can do so without holding their phones, such as using technology like Bluetooth.

Here's What You Can Do if You Were Injured in an Accident Caused by a Distracted Driver

If you are hurt in a car accident in Massachusetts that was caused by a negligent or distracted driver, you have the right to seek financial compensation for the injuries you suffered and your financial losses. This is done by way of filing a bodily injury claim or a personal injury lawsuit against the negligent or careless driver. While this seems to be straightforward, the auto insurance companies do not make it easy to recover compensation for your injuries and financial losses, even in crashes that were caused by distracted drivers.

If you find yourself in this type of situation, you should educate yourself on the injury claim process in Massachusetts. Follow the Three Important Steps to take Immediately After a Car Accident to make sure you are protecting your rights to receive fair compensation for your damages.

Additionally, our Massachusetts personal injury lawyers offer free information on how to put yourself in the best position possible to secure full and fair compensation for your injuries and financial losses. You can download our free e-book: You Were in a Car Accident: How to Maximize Your Settlement. This resource will explain what to do and what not to do to ensure you and your loved ones are in the best possible position to recover the financial compensation you deserve after being seriously injured in a crash.

Our experienced accident lawyers are here to evaluate your case and educate you on personal injury claims stemming from car accidents. Being fully informed about the Massachusetts injury claims’ process will help you and your family make the right decisions after a crash as well as protect your legal rights. Our Framingham car accident lawyers offer free case evaluations and will explain how your medical bills and lost wages will be paid and how to go about getting the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

Charles S. Pappas
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Massachusetts injury lawyer & workers' compensation attorney serving accident victims in Webster & Framingham.
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