Timeline for settling a car accident claimThis is an important question, but the answer varies according to the circumstances of your particular case. Our car accident attorneys explain the various factors that affect how long you'll have to wait for an insurance payout or lawsuit settlement.

Damages From Your Insurance Company

Because Massachusetts is a no-fault state for auto insurance coverage, you'll first have to go to your insurance provider to file a claim under your personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. The total maximum benefit for PIP in Massachusetts is $2,000 for medical expenses and a maximum of $8,000 for all costs, including lost wages and household services. Your provider should pay you within 30 days of receiving the claim.

If you were seriously injured in the crash, the $2,000 from your PIP coverage will not likely be enough to cover your medical expenses.

Suing the Other Driver for Damages

If the other driver was at fault for the crash that left you injured and he has insurance, you may be able to get additional damages from his coverage provider. However, in order to sue for damages, your medical expenses must exceed $2,000, and your injuries must consist of a fractured bone, permanent and serious disfigurement, or substantial loss of hearing or sight.

When working with a Massachusetts motor vehicle accident attorney, you can expect to resolve a lawsuit in one–to–two years from the date of the accident. These cases take time if you want to get the maximum possible settlement.

Your attorney will want to wait until you are medically stable so the claim includes all potential medical costs. He will also take time to gather documentation of all of your damages, including the following:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Out-of-pocket costs and other damages

A thorough and competent attorney won't rush the process just to resolve the case more quickly.

Call Mahaney & Pappas, LLP to Discuss Your Specific Case

To find out how long it might take to receive a check after your life-altering Massachusetts car accident, contact our Framingham law office to schedule a free case review. We'll be realistic about our expectations and tell you what we can do to increase the value of your claim and speed up the resolution of your case.


Charles S. Pappas
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Massachusetts injury lawyer & workers' compensation attorney serving accident victims in Webster & Framingham.