Absolutely. If you are involved and injured in a work accident you certainly have the right to get treatment from a doctor you choose.You may have to see a preferred medical provider for your initial treatment visit, however, if your employer requires it. After that, you have the right to see and treat with whomever you choose. Many employers will tell you that you have to go to a certain hospital or doctor. Your employer or their insurance company cannot force you to see a doctor that you do not want to see unless you have a specific agreement with your employer. A workers’ compensation insurance company can, however, make you go to an independent medical examination performed by their doctor.
Have you Been Hurt on the Job in Massachusetts?
If you, or someone you know, has been injured on the job in Massachusetts, you should seek advice about your legal rights. Feel free to call us at (508) 879-3500 or contact us online. You should take the time to speak with our legal team so we can evaluate your case for free and advise you about your rights. It just might be the best decision you make.