In our line of work as personal injury attorneys in Massachusetts, we often see the devastating effects of car crashes. Motor vehicle accidents can cause traumatic injuries to accident victims, significant financial strain, and severe aftereffects on their families. In many of the cases we handle, we often see distractions as a major cause of crashes.
This is why our Framingham accident lawyers are taking the time to spread the word about Distracted Driving Awareness Month this April – a national campaign designated to bring attention to the dangers of distracted driving. Additionally, Injury Attorney Chuck Pappas is the father of a new driver, which is extra motivation to spread the word.
About Distracted Driving Awareness Month
The month of April has been designated as Distracted Driving Awareness Month. This endeavor is a united movement across the United States to recognize the dangers and consequences of distracted driving.
This campaign helps to educate and encourage drivers everywhere to identify the dangers associated with distracted driving with the hope of saving lives and preventing crashes that may cause severe injuries. Bringing attention to the dangers of distracted driving will help keep ourselves, our passengers, and others on the roads and highways safe.
Statistics Confirm That Distracted Driving Continues to be a Big Problem
Although there have been major efforts nationwide as well as locally here in Massachusetts to educate drivers and discourage distracted driving, car crash and injury statistics seem to increase each year. There have been recent studies and statistics that show pedestrians are common victims of distracted driving.
For example, a recent report by the Governors Highway Safety Association revealed that an estimated 7,508 pedestrians were killed in the United States in 2022. This was the highest pedestrian death rate in the United States since 1981. In our experience, motor vehicle versus pedestrian accidents usually result in the most severe injuries for obvious reasons.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has not yet released the 2022 and 2023 fatality and injury crash data on distracted driving. However, by all accounts, the statistics seem to be increasing. The most recent data from the NHTSA shows that distracted driving is one of the leading causes of motor vehicle crashes. They reported in 2021 that distracted driving resulted in greater than 3,500 fatalities across the United States.
Here's How You Can Help With Distracted Driving
Life seems to get busier with every year that goes by. However, we urge everyone to take a few moments to think about your actions before you get behind the wheel. It could very well save your life or others’ lives on the roads and highways.
Here are a few tips to follow next time you get in the driver’s seat.
Turn Off Your Phones
Everyone seems to be so connected to phones these days, but these phones and technology are major distractions. When you get behind the wheel, it’s best to shut your phone off or switch it to silent/airplane mode. Another good practice is to put your phone somewhere in the car where you cannot access it while driving.
Focus on Driving and Traffic
Life is busy, and we all try to multitask even in situations that could be dangerous. But multitasking while driving is very risky. Drivers should avoid eating, drinking, reading, putting on makeup, and any other activity when behind the wheel. You may not realize it, but these activities take your focus and attention off the road and away from other vehicles, pedestrians, and traffic signals. All it takes is a split second of distractions that could result in devastating consequences.
Pull Over if Something Comes Up
We understand that urgent situations come up even when we are at the wheel. If something important or demanding comes up while you’re driving, the best practice is to pull over somewhere safe if you need to take a call or respond to an email or text message. As accident attorneys in Massachusetts, we often get calls from clients or our assistants at the office while we are driving to or from Court. Under these circumstances, we will pull over or wait until we park to respond because we know all too well the dangers of using our phones while driving.
Be Prepared Beforehand
If you are driving somewhere that you are not familiar with and need to use your GPS or review a map, you should plug in your destination or look at the map before you put the car in drive. Sometimes, you may need some help when you are driving. If you do, ask a passenger to help out or, if you are alone, you should pull over somewhere safe to review the map or your directions.
Dealing with Kids in the Car
As a father of four, Attorney Chuck Pappas knows that sometimes kids can cause distractions while driving. There have been many arguments, fights, and demands for food or water while we are driving with the family. In these situations, it’s best to pull over to a safe location to address whatever it is that your children are dealing with in the car.
Our Framingham Accident Attorneys Are Here to Help
If you are injured in a car accident in Massachusetts that was caused by a negligent or distracted driver, you have the right to seek financial compensation for the injuries you suffered and your financial losses. The auto insurance companies, however, don’t make it easy, even in crashes that were caused by distracted drivers.
A great first step is to educate yourself on the injury claim process. Follow the Three Important Steps to take Immediately After a Car Accident to make sure you are protecting your rights to receive fair compensation for your damages.
Additionally, there is a wealth of information on how to position yourself to secure full and fair compensation for your injuries and financial losses in our free book: You Were in a Car Accident: How to Maximize Your Settlement. These materials will explain what to do and what not to do to ensure you and your loved ones are in the best possible position to recover the financial compensation you deserve after being seriously injured in a crash.
Our experienced accident lawyers are here to evaluate your case and educate you on personal injury claims stemming from car accidents. Being fully informed about the Massachusetts injury claims’ process will help you and your family make the right decisions after a crash as well as protect your legal rights. Our Framingham car accident lawyers offer free case evaluations and will explain how your medical bills and lost wages will be paid and how to go about getting the compensation you deserve for your injuries.