Our lawyers have handled numerous claims and lawsuits where individuals are the victims of serious burn related injuries. These incidents fall under the personal injury category. Through our experience, we understand that burn injuries can result in serious pain and disfigurement. In addition to the pain and suffering, burn victims incur medical expenses and out of pocket expenses for their injuries. Mahaney & Pappas, LLP has helped burn victims throughout Massachusetts get compensation for their injuries.
Working To Help You Recover Full And Fair Compensation After a Burn
We help clients recoup money for medical bills, lost wages and payment for pain, suffering, emotional distress and disfigurement.
Contact Our Framingham Attorneys If You Have Been Seriously Burned In An Accident
If you, a family member, or someone you know have sustained a burn related injury, and you want to determine whether you have a personal injury claim please contact us online or call 508-879-3500 to see how we can help you. With offices in Framingham and Webster, we are conveniently located to help serve you.