We were able to recover $100,000 for a young man who was walking in Somerville, Massachusetts and struck by a car that was involved in a multiple car accident and violently pushed into our client. This young man suffered serious eye injuries, arm injuries and leg injuries. Specifically, his injuries included an orbital injury, right tibia fracture, humerus lateral condyle fracture and ulna dislocation, scapular fracture and severe burns on his body.
This accident left our client in a wheel chair for quite a while and required several surgeries and extensive rehabilitation to recover from his injuries. This client and his family were left with astronomical medical bills and expenses. They came to see us after they talked to the insurance company for the car that caused the accident and were told that there was only $20,000 of insurance coverage. Luckily for them, we have dealt with these issues many times and know where to look for additional insurance coverage.
After thoroughly investigating this accident and pursuing all options, we were able to uncover an additional $80,000 of underinsured insurance coverage, which resulted in a total settlement for this young man of $100,000.