A young woman came to our office after being hit by a car as a pedestrian walking on the sidewalk in downtown Boston, Massachusetts.  This accident happened on New Year’s Day 2013.  Our client was out in Boston celebrating the New Year and, while walking on a sidewalk, a car went out of control, jumped the curb and struck our client.  The car sped off and no one was able to get the license plate of the car.  The impact from this hit and run accident threw this young woman several feet in to a snow bank.  She was in severe pain and an ambulance arrived immediately following several 911 calls. 

She was transported to an Emergency Room of a Boston hospital, where she was treated for numerous injuries, including a rotator cuff injury and dislocated shoulder, knee injuries, and a crush injury to her hip.  This young woman underwent significant medical treatment and physical therapy.  She has suffered chronic pain from the crush injury, which required chronic medication and therapy.

The main issue in this case was that the car that struck our client took off and no one was able to find the car or determine who was driving.  In these types of accident cases, normally, we would pursue an uninsured claim against our client’s auto insurance company.  The problem was that our client did not own a car or have auto insurance.  Luckily for her, we are experienced lawyers and know how to find insurance coverage to compensate our client for her damages (i.e., medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering).  We conducted an investigation and determined that our client resided with an individual in her household that had auto insurance.  Our office pursued a claim against that insurance company.  Initially, that insurance company refused to extend coverage to our client. But, after tough, thorough and lengthy negotiations they conceded and offer insurance coverage to our injured client. 

After getting the insurance company to extend coverage, we engaged in a very comprehensive settlement negotiations with that insurance coverage.  Ultimately, we obtained a $110,000 settlement for this young woman, who was extremely happy and grateful for our work.

If you or a loved one has been through a similar experience, or if you are struggling with a complex accident claim, don’t hesitate to contact us at (508) 879-3500.


Joseph M. Mahaney
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Injury lawyer serving car, truck, and motorcycle accident victims in Webster and Framingham, Massachusetts.