An Injured Worker Explains His Experience and Success With Attorney Pappas
Victor hired Attorney Charles Pappas after he was seriously hurt on the job and his employer's workers' compensation insurance company stopped paying him disability benefits. Attorney Pappas forced the insurance company to pay Victor the disability benefits he deserved, including the retroactive benefits due for the weeks the insurance company refused to pay. In the end, Attorney Pappas secured a very satisfacytory lump sum settlement.
Here's what the client had to say about his experience:
"While at work, I fell from a step latter and broke the radial bone (forearm). This injury was so bad that it required surgery to repair it. I was 62 years old when the injury happened, and on 1 income. This made things very stressful financially and created a situation of great uncertainly, given the complex worker’s compensation process. The insurance company started to pay me weekly, but ceased the payments right after about 8 weeks, and directed me to go back to work even when I was not even near partial recovery; also my employer did not offer light duty and my work required the use of both hands and lifting heavy items all day. Charles Pappas was excellent during this process. He is unquestionably experienced/knowledgeable, high energy, professional, and with excellent client service. He was able to file all the proper paperwork, claims, etc. Which was crucial at getting the insurance company to resume paying me weekly while I was recovering. In the end he was able to get me a very substantial settlement."
Victor M., Milford, MA
Speak With An Experienced Massachusetts Workers' Compensation Lawyer
If you, or someone you know, have been hurt on the job and are not sure what to do or what your rights are, call Mahaney & Pappas, LLP, at our toll free number (888) 277-7413 or contact us online. We will take the time to answer all your questions and explain the Massachusetts workers' compensation process.