When we meet with people, who have been bitten and injured by someone else's dog or other pet, they usually ask if there is any insurance that would cover their injuries and losses. Generally, the dog owner's home owner's insurance policy would cover any damages caused by their dog. Remember, Massachusetts follows a strict liability standard for dog bite cases. The dog owner, therefore, may be held liable and legally responsible for the damages his or her dog causes, even if the dog owner is not necessarily negligent. Generally, damages are the only matter at issue and the home owner's insurance policy will normally cover the damages.
Do You Have More Questions? Get Legal Help Now
If you, or someone you know, has been bitten by a dog, you should seek legal advice and guidance about how you can pursue financial compensation for your injuries and losses. At Mahaney & Pappas, LLP, we have handled numerous dog bite cases and are here to help you recover the money you deserve.
Call us today at 508-879-3500 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation. We offer contingent fees on dog bite cases. This means, you don't pay us until and unless you recover compensation.